MQ Freiraum
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
We Are Water
A meditation dedicated to "World Water Day" on March 22 each year.
It is time for us to remember the importance and preciousness of water.
Water is life. Water is in us - and the foundation of all life. Water flows through us as it does through all
plants, animals and life on the planet. Water connects us all from the smallest raindrop to the mightiest
wave to the water in our body. "We Are Water" is a meditation journey in which we experience ourselves
as a water being in a new embodied way. As within so without.
On March 22, the water meditation will take place as part of the first Klima Biennale in the exhibition hall
of the Foto Arsenal Wien.
The guided meditation lasts approx. 30 minutes. Developed by the artist and meditation teacher, Helena
Petersen, in collaboration with creative director Jeremy Boxer and twelve water stewards from 8 different
No previous knowledge of meditation is required. Seating is provided.
Date: 22.3.2024 at 8 pm
Location: FOTO ARSENAL WIEN at MQ Freiraum, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Free admission
Pre-registration not necessary